What’s In a Name? The origin of ‘Qlaims’

Our Founder, Malcolm Harvey, explains the origin of our company name.

A number of people still get our name wrong. I meet individuals looking strained and saying things like Kew-laims or Q-claims in a questioning tone.

Very easy: Qlaims (as in claims; but styled with our bespoke Q)
Where did it come from?

Whilst sailing around Portsmouth Harbour some years ago, I saw a warship with QinetiQ written on the side. I remembered it was the private technology company that had acquired the government’s Defence Research Agency.

I loved the use of the letter Q.

Back on dry land I reached for Mr. Google who directed me to Mr Wikipedia

Qinetiq” is an invented name. “Qi” is supposed to reflect the company’s energy, “net” its networking ability, and “iq” its intellectual resources.

Well, The Q in Qlaims certainly reflects our team’s energy and also our use of intellectual resource to change the way claims are made. You may have seen our strapline:

“Bringing new intelligence to insurance claims”

Ps. Qinetiq now has an annual revenues of around £900m and employs 6,000 people.

Maybe a few years yet for Qlaims?