Responding to the Pandemic

A message from our CEO, Malcolm Harvey.
Like most other companies, we have begun distributed working from our homes.
Fortunately, everyone is safe and well.
In order to keep the business moving forward and to communicate with each other we attend Team video-conference meetings first thing every other day.
We are using this time to good advantage in that it gives us opportunity to review all our operational processes and to commence staff training and education via webinars.
The first webinars are media training for online presentations We have commissioned a series of four half-hour webinars training sessions on how to present yourself to customers and colleagues remotely as we think this will become more the norm post coronavirus.
Follow-on training will encompass well-being and the usage of application software such as Salesforce.
Even under normal circumstances I have always found that the general insurance market slows down during summer months and traditionally this is a time when Autumn marketing plans and sales campaigns are developed. We have brought our summer months forward and are planning our activities for when normality returns.
I have been most impressed by the brokers we work with who all have readily adapted to remote working very successfully, so we are finding quite easy to maintain contact with all our signed-up agencies and we even received a new enquiry this week.
More news soon