Brian Clark, Chartered Loss Adjuster, joins Qlaims as Board Advisor

Qlaims is delighted to announce that Brian Clark, Chartered Loss Adjuster, ACII CIP FCILA FUEDI-ELAE, has joined as a Board advisor. Brian comes with vast technical claims experience and is to support the team in further developing and implementing the claims strategy and customer proposition. Brian has almost 40 years of experience in loss adjusting including regional Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer roles in the UK, Europe and Middle East. He spent 15 years with Crawford & Company before starting his own consultancy practice in 2023. Brian has considerable hands-on experience with major and complex losses on property, casualty, and financial lines, providing even greater depth to the technical knowledge within the Qlaims team. Brian has also designed and implemented operations for a leading Insurer to create an award-winning in-house general loss adjusting practice.
Brian said, “I’m delighted to be working with Liz and the team at Qlaims, helping them deliver improved claim outcomes for their policyholders in an ethical and transparent way, with Chartered Loss Adjusters creating a transformational opportunity”.
Liz responded, “I am thrilled to welcome Brian to the team. His experience and skill will be incredibly helpful in further developing our proposition for customer focused claims. I’m looking forward to working with Brian”.